Remote color grade instructions
Since I often work abroad, attending the grading session is not always possible, especially not for shorter projects. I then try my best to let everyone know what direction to take. Here is one way of doing it.
DOP’s Annotated Script
My customised script with all my notes for Dhiaa Biya’s short film What else grows in the palm of your hands.
Shot in Casablanca in early 2023, on film with the Arri 416.
A Dop’s diary on his first feature film.
In September 2021, I went to Southern Italy to shoot the first part of my first feature film as a Dp. I took notes in my Moleskine, here is the first page. I will post more of it later.
Quick sketch of my initial idea for a lighting setup, to share with my gaffer. Studio shoot for Kobo.
VFX Report for Iliona’s Une Autre Vie.
Template of the report we made for the VFX crew.